Tuesday, January 23, 2018

666 Park Avenue by Gabrielle Pierce (2011)

I picked up this book at a charming used bookstore in Winona called Paperbacks and Pieces, and I picked it up purely for its fabulous design. The cover is not only gorgeous, but has fabulous texture. Even the edges of the pages and chapter design is really striking and original.

That said, I finally read it, and found it to be way more fun than it should be. Jane Boyle, architect living in Paris meets swoony and rich Malcolm Doran, has a whirlwind romance and goes to NYC to live with him and his rich and influential family on Park Avenue. Only problem is, she discovers that she's a witch, and they want her power.

Pierce sets up her world and the mythology very well, and creates a very suspenseful story filled with very well-drawn supporting characters.

Followed by two sequels: The Dark Glamour and The Lost Soul, both of which I enjoyed every bit as much as this one. I finished The Dark Glamour and literally immediately picked up The Lost Soul, which is really saying something as I have a very short attention span for series. Delightful.